Each year the President is the host for our yearly congress, in his home country.
At this event all the country representatives and members of WAMA meet to teach and train together.
It is also at this event the representatives elects the upcoming president for next year, and discusses the future of our organisation.
Upcoming Congress 2023 Croatia
Next year the congress will be held in Split, Froation. For more information please look at our Facebook site, or contact Hrvoje Znaor, the representative of WAMA in Croatia.

Congress 2022 United Kingdom
The 11th-12th of September the 9th WAMA Congress was planned to be held in Harrogate, United Kingdom by Steve Barnett. Unfortunately it was cancelled due to Covid-19.

Congress 2021 United Kingdom
The 11th-12th of September the 9th WAMA Congress was planned to be held in Harrogate, United Kingdom by Steve Barnett. Unfortunately it was cancelled due to Covid-19.

Congress 2020 Russia
The 17th-19th of April the 8th WAMA Congress was planned to be held in Kazan Russia by Alexey Michenco and Alexander Sivkov. Unfortunately it was cancelled due to Covid-19.

Congress 2019 Norway
The 20th-22 of September the 7th WAMA Congress was be in Norway by Pål-Erik Ruud, Tor Arne Sandholt, Terje Choi Føresund and their team from Øvre Romerike Budo Senter.

Congress 2018 United Kingdom
The 15-16 of September 2018 the 6th Wama Congress was held in Harrogate the United Kingdom by Steve Barnett, Gary Don and the UK team.

Congress 2017 Kazakhstan
The 23-24 of September 2017 the 5th Wama Congress was held in Astana Kazakhstan by Ruslan Abdreyev and his instructor team.

Congress 2016 Sweden
The 16-17 of September 2015, the 4th WAMA Congress was held in Kungälv, Sweden by Hans Pihelgas, Anna-Karin Garstam, Göran Falk and the Swedish team.

Congress 2015 Denmark
The 20th-22 of September the 7th WAMA The 23-25 of October 2015, the 3rd WAMA Congress was held by Christian Hvidberg in Aalborg, Denmark. hosted by Aalborg Ju-jitsu & Selfdefence Club.

Congress 2014 Germany
The 2nd congress of World Alliance of Martial Arts 2014 was held by Ralpf Karp and TAO Schule team on the 14th and 15th of june 2014 in Cuxhafen Germany.

Congress 2013 Russia
The first officiel World Alliance of Martial Arts Congress was held in Kazan, Russia, by Alexander Sivkov and Alexey Mishenco and their Russian team.