WAMA Seminar in Denmark 2012

The first Danish WAMA seminar was held on the 2nd of September. It was a great succes, the seminar was attended by 45 students, and lasted for 6 hours, all students trained well, and with great entusiasm .

The instructors for this course was:
Hans Pihelgas 7. dan, Chikara Sweden, WAMA Rep S
Christian Hvidberg 6. dan, Mizunokokoro Ryu Ju-jitsu, WAMA rep. DK
Per Brix 5. dan Mizunokokoro Ryu Ju-jitsu, technical board DK
Anders Kabbeltved Pedersen 4. dan technical board DK
Ivan Lauridsen 1. dan Mizunokokoro Jujitsu DK

With all these respected senseis there was a big variation on the topics, and all the students learned a lot from this seminar. All willing to come to another seminar as soon as possible.